Saturday, March 15, 2008

First day update

Ok, sa I said I would do this a while ago, and I got side tracked. I have been busy...
Mornings. OY. Can I just say, that I never knew 5:30 existed? Evil, evil, chickens. I have gotten up each morning at 5:30, gotten ready, gotten the kids up at 6, and then to Beth by 6:30. (sorry Beth). And, at 6:30, Beth is there, witha smile, and she's already up and dressed. (I would so be in my p.j.'s)
The school is cool, the classes start at 7:25. (holy canoli), and there are 4 blocks. I teach Honors 12, in block 1 and 3, and bolck 4, is academic grade 10. So far, so good. Next week, there are three days of classes, then we are off for Easter break. The week after, is a whole week, then the week after, I go away for a few days with some great girlfriends, for a scrappin' weekend. I am sooo looking foreward to that.
I ahve found out this week, that the English dept, is a bunch of video game phanatics. So, I think Thursday, we will ahve game night here... shold be a ton of fun.
Will keep you posted, and I will post a pic of the school, when I take one!

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