Wednesday, April 8, 2009

the VET.....

ok, so I thought I would give an update on Petie... Here is what his toe looked like:
so it is not aw swollen here as it was, but off to the vet we went. We get there, and the vet takes a look... The chainsaw had been thwarted.

no Kevlar. no blood... Of course, they were ready for him, his chart was open on the exam table, with a bunch of red caution stickers all over it.... Maybe they knew? maybe they read my other vet blog post here...
they decided to give him a shot of penicillin, that would last two weeks, and lets add insult to injury (literally) they gave him a rabies shot... The tech came in to help. (all 98 lbs of her) and she was leaning on a hissing, spitting, growling ready at any moment to morph into a chainsaw kitty...I mean all 98 lbs was leaning on him, and he was still climbing out of the towel they were using (I told them they would need the Kevlar)... shots accomplished, and Petie stowed safely in his box, it was time to go. He growled the whole time I was at the front counter paying for his torture. He growled the whole way home. (man, he can hold a grudge, and I even laced the box with catnip, to help ease his pain) I brought him inside, and cautiously opened the box, lest I loose a finger...
we were told to soak his foot in Epsom salt every night, which means, I will be wearing said salt solution. He is on day 3 of house arrest and in foul humor. The birds were out in full force today at all the feeders, have a grand time.
I have a feeling when he is off of house arrest several things will happen. One, he will go on a killing spree. Two- I doubt we'll see him for a night or two...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh the indignity of it all.