Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Go carts!!!!

Dana was leaving on Monday for two and a half weeks of training, so we decided that we would do something fun with the kids before he left. There is this go-cart/mini golf place in Montgomeryville that he has gone to before with Alex, and they both had a ball. this time, he took Kimberly on a ride too. She was all teeth the whole time. She giggled and squealed, and loved it.proof here:

He raced another little boy, and the two of them were speeding and bumping into each other. I don't know who here had more fun in all of this, Dana, to the little kids...
then, it was time to swap kids. I took Kimberly and brought Alex up tot he line to meet Dana. Ethan stayed with me.
Alex loved it to. He liked beating the other cars, and bumping into people.
And then, there was Ethan. To little to ride on the go carts, even with an adult. He at one point, was playing with the wood chips by me and the picnic table. He watched all the go carts going by. He yelled to them. He pointed to them. I can tell you, he wanted to be on them.
here he is, watching Dana and Alex zooming around the track. No doubt thinking about when it is his turn to ride too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww! That little picture of Ethan looking through the fence is priceless.