Sunday, May 25, 2008


Yup. All the pomp. All the circumatance. Over. I walked. I was elated. It was great, and surreal all at the same time. Sitting with a bunch of 20somethings... I enjoyed it. Family came down to celebrate with me, and we had a picnic afterward, which friends and family a like came to help celebrate.
I also got the news on Friday, that I passed my second praxis exam, so I am officially certified. THAT feels weird. Looking at my diploma feels weird. It all feels weird. Now what am I going to do with myself?? I guess I'll figger something out.
I had a wonderful day. The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, and it was great. It was a bit chilly, but I will take the sun over the rain anytime.
I don't have a lot of witty things to say today, reguardless of the diploma, there is still laundry to do, and a house to clean...


MelB said...

Congratulations Steph!

Rachael said...
