Monday, November 19, 2007

here it is...

As I told you, I as going to dye my hair. I LOVE it. ok Rachael, it's your turn!!!! hee hee
thanks Marlene! Love having great friends around to help out.
Other news, I passed ALL my praxis exams. I got my scores back on Friday. I am soooo glad that is finished. One more hurdle down. Several more to go. Getting there, bit by bit.

Friday, November 9, 2007

My Aunt painted

this portrait of Kimberly, and mailed it to me just the other day. I was very suprised when I opened the package and took this out. It is beautiful and the pic desnt do it justice. There is so much detail in the painting, it is amazing. I am trying to dig up the pic from which she painted it from, but that will have to wait for another day, my prof just emailed me, and took 3 days from my due date. AAAAAARRRRGHHH

I am happy to

report, that I just sent off 9 pges to my prof, for his agonizing reading pleasure... ha ha. They will get bounced back to me no doubt, with a zillion things to be revised, but for tonight, I can enjoy the fat I am almost half finished. Not all I need to do, is a powerpoint presentation, so I have visuals for the bord o english to gaze upon, as they sit mezmerized but my fantabulous paper.... oh, back to reality, haha.
Bugs- great poem, honored that you would post it on my blog. and to anonomyous, who didnt like the way I seplled penguinEs. I rather like the E there. Yes I did use spell check, and it did not flag it. I think the E makes it more fun. more romantic. ha ha so, now to contemplate what to do with the rest of my evening, EXCEPT revise, and re type and redo. Perhaps I will find this great little scrapbook store, and scrap. anyone know where I might find one of those????? heeee heeeeee

Thursday, November 8, 2007

so it says

on my can of XXL Monster (liquid smarties in a can) that you should consume no more than 2 a day. Myself, I favor the 22 oz ers. the 12 oz one says the same thing. hmmm... makes a person wonder, which one to believe. Myself, I will opt for the 22 oz's of smartie goodness. Looks like I am going to be pulling alot of late nights, trying to put coherent, rational thoughts on paper. May, or may not be coherent, or organized (yeah, go fig on that one)but at least I will be wide awake while spouting out drivel. Drinking a couple of monsters, is like drinking a Gimlet. well, maybe that is a stretch, nothing compares to Goose, unless of course,you are talking Belvedere.(right Laura??) ha ha ha.
I have 6 pages down, only 14 more to go, but I can't seem to move the block from out of my head, and if I do not get something accomplished, I swear, I will have a posse after me... ha ha. now that you all know what I am not doing, guess I had better get to it. And Marlene, I will still love you, even if my hair turns out purple. :)besides, Rachael said she would do it if I did, so maybe she can join us in some dying fun... Gunna stop tomorrow, and stock up on Monster....

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Peace to all

Ambidexterous penguines. That was my phrase I was most noted for saying in High school, although it was not the one posted in the year book. Funny how something so simple can come full circle. I have found that as of late, toxic things have been surfacing, be it people, or papers being due, and today I was just told the deadline for my paper has been moved up. And funny, lots of people have rallied around me, to offer support, and encouragement. People I had no idea even gave a crap. Those people have offered proofing and editing. (and I so thank them from the bottom of my heart)
and, as for the peace, well, I have been blessed with a best friend, who ALWAYS has my back. I love her for that. I have good friends, who I have surrounded myself with, who are there. Who will give me a giggle or two (thanks mufflers) and let me talk it through, raving loon or not, or those, that want to do an impromptu lunch.
To all of you in my life that mean something to me, and you know who you are, I say this- Peace to ALL ambidexterous penguines.

So, instead of being

productive last night, like I should have been and said I would, I completely goofed off. actually, I sat here, feeling sorry for myself, because once again, it is more revising, and I treated myself with a good dose of Law and Order SVU. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE that show, I am COMPLETELY hooked. The WHOLE night wasn't a waste, I talked to my friend Marlene, and she is going to help my dye my hair not this Monday, but the next one. My days as a brunette are numbered... hee hee. So exciting. Worst case scenario, I hate it, and I shave my head... ha ha j/k So, today, I am going to delve into my revisions, and get something coherent together. I have 2 weeks to get it finished. I've got PLENTY of time... ha ha and, I have just added a random pic of my Neice and Kimberly, that makes me smile when I see it. My neice loves Kimberly, and it is recpriocated. what's on your agenda today?

Monday, November 5, 2007

True to my word

I actually completed a page tonight for my paper. 5 down, 15 more to go.... That does not include all the revising I am sure he will require, bet hey- 5 done. I sent them off for editing, and I almost cringe at the results... ha ha. Always good to know a team of people with gud englis skils. ha ha.
and side bar, am thinking of dying my hair red. Not in your face brassy red, but a nice fall red-red. Marlene has offered to help...I think it will be more like a mad scientist experiment, but hey, it's only hair, and if I don't like it, it will grow back, right?
And another side bar-
my neice had her baby on the 4th. 9.8 lbs and 21 inches. Welcome to the world Zoey!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


yup. agony. Plain and simple. I think I would rather have double root canal, no Novocaine...ok, maybe THAT is a bit much, but I think you now have a feeling of my dread... it is that stoopid @$#%$@$@#%%@@ paper that I have to do. There. I said it. out loud even. It had to be 20 pages. I have 3 and 3/4 finished, waiting for the butcher from the prof. OY. I was already told to start over, he didn't like it. He wants this to be the best paper and presentation he has EVER introduced. (GULP) no pressure though. I just need a B. Just one measly B. Is that really to much to ask?? I have sent him what I have written, and I have figured out, I need to write a page a day, to keep him happy. maybe two, if I am feeling saucy. so, no creating for me, until it is done. No calender for mom this year. (unless, by the grace of god, I can actually throw something together in a month). I will begin to student teach in Jan, and I should find out soon, where they are going to place me...
it could be worse you know. Here I am, bitching about something I need to do, for my grade, when a very good friend of ours, Bugs, is facing some not so nice tests in the next few weeks, and possibly brain surgery.So, if you have a few extra prayers, send them his way. He could use them, and I think would appreciate them too. Hopefully he will have some type of laptop available to him while in Jeff, (yes, our Jeff, near the city) so he might be able to be amused by my mundaneness. Good luck Buddy, we're pullin' for you!!
on other news, Prtie is curled up by me, keeping my one foot warm, and occasionally feeling the need to switch sides, walks across my laptop, and goofs it all up.
Also- My niece is in labor, so soon Zoey will make her way into the world. I hope she has a speedy delivery.
And, last, but certainly not least, Kimberly turned 4 today. I can't believe how fast the time has gone, and how big she is. amazing. Where does the time go?? (Petie is now laying on my wrist. have you ANY idea how difficult it is to type with a cat laying on your wrist?

Saturday, November 3, 2007

.What is your favorite movie?

you know the one I mean. The one, that each time it is on t.v., you can't help but watch it. The one that you laugh at the same parts,even though, you know they are coming. Mine, Pretty Woman. Fave part- when he snaps her fingers with the jewlery box. Ok, will admit, I love the whole thing, and always hope that she will end up with him, before he has to go "rescue" her. Love it. it is palyed way to much, but I still watch it. I also like The Wedding Singer. Love stupid humor. I know I said favorite, but since it is my bolg, I can bend the rules, *slightly* :)
So, how bout it, which ONE is it??

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I Passed the first round of praxis tests. So, with that finished, I can actually sub, when I get the level one certification. That should come in three weeks. I can't tell you, what a load off my mind this is. I start my student teaching in Jan, and have no idea, where I am going to be placed. I will let you know, once I know. It is coming down to the wire, and the final countdown. I smell a graduation party, unless I completely hose my student teaching, then I will look into being a professional student... Ha ha. At least I am headed in the right dirrection. I will be glad for Dec 15 to hit- then all my 130 credits will be completed. (Yea). Phew, just had to share. GO ME!!

So, this may be a bit late

but in keeping with fall, I figured I could post it anyway. Two weeks ago, we did the whole pumpkin patch thing. The hay ride, the search for the perfect pumpkin, and then hauling them away, and home. Ethan was more interrested in the rocks, Alex wanted way nmore than he could carry, and Kimberly was busy, delegating to Alex which one she needed, that he should pick up for her, because she had her baby and could not put her down. OY. Such a girl. It was fun, Dana wanted 10 pumpkins to put around the yard for trick or treaters, like we have every year.